Would you be interested in buying a school magazine?
yes / no / maybe
How much would you pay for a school magazine?
less than £1 / £1 - £2 / £2 - £3 / more than £3
What group of subjects in school would you be interested in reading about?
maths / sciences / performing arts / design technology / languages / humanities / others(what)
What genre of music do you like?
rap / hiphop / dance / rock / alternative / indie / electronic / latin / other(what)
What extra curriculum activities appeal to you?
sports / music / dance or drama productions / charity work / visits from topical people e.g. MPs or authors / other(what)
Do you pay attention to adverts in magazines?
yes / no
Do you read reviews for new albums, films, etc?
yes / no
What other things would you like to read in a school magazine?
fashion / jokes / horoscopes / interviews / pictures of school events / music / other (what)
How often would you like a new issue of the magazine to be released?
weekly / monthly / every term