Saturday 19 September 2009


This is a yearly magazine released by a grammar school for the pupils and their parents. The background is a red colour with a hint of orange which is a vibrant colour creating a positive and energetic feel to the school. There is the schools coat of arms in the center with a latin logo, and a date of 1713 which implies this is an old school, proud of their pupils and the community it provides. There is the name of the school in capital letters in white, formal writing which lets the reader understand the magazine is for that school, and the formal writing makes the school seem academic because it seems the school is not trying hard to make the students want to learn, with this formal approach. The cover is fairly bare which again creates a formal and academic feel, which makes the pupils who attend there feel important and the school is probarly well known for the discipline. The audience can make these assumptions because there is no font or background used to capture the attention of students immediately, for example the font is sharp, formal and neat opposed to rounded, informal and messy. The audience can understand that the magazine is released yearly since there is the year stated at the bottom in the same formal font, in a peach colour, so it seems like a shadow, so it therefore is different from the other writing. There is also the word 'magazine' stated in the white, formal font so the audience are aware it is a magazine, since the cover could be a prospectus because there are no major conventions of magazines, for example smaller font which states some features inside. There are six small pictures which lead down the right hand side, which gives an idea of what the school does and makes the cover seem more interesting. The pictures are not very clear, so it gives the impression the magazine will be mainly text, with few photos representing the school being very academic and perhaps posh. In the bottom picture there is a big group of people, all wearing red jumpers which implies it is a community where everyone is equal. There are also pictures of staff, who genuinly look fairly old, making the reader expect the school to be fairly strict but a very good school. There is also a picture of children acting out a nativity play which implies the school is quite religious and follow traditions.

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